We will get along better if we didn't live together. Her solution is for me to buy more and pay more while she keeps shopping - she hasn't saved anything while I have been paying over half the rent. My friend is a shopper, me a saver who depleted her savings during her illness. The landlord raised her rent $100 a month due to the increased management fees for the roof work. I am not a drinker, like a glass of wine once in a while, but can take it or leave it. As I wrote, I have been keeping the peace until I am able to leave. Her latest insult is I will be in debt living with my mother. She says every nasty thing she can think of, even tells me to move out immediately in the middle of the night. I realized I am repeating unhealthy patterns. It is stressful here because my friend has narcissic tendencies. Everything changed since her husband died and she came to FL. When we were friends in PA she wasn't this way. I assume she doesn't want to admit several injuries from falling down drunk.

SHE is incapacitated by arthritic pain, psoriasis, sinus issues, etc. My friend says my asthma is "in my mind". I take forms that cause less anxiety, but. I got bronchitis which required two courses of antibiotics and more steroids. Then I got a really sore throat ( probably allergic reaction to mold in the air, but now I read it is also an early symptom of coronovirus infection). Yippee, moldy stagnant water.īefore the roof work, I was breathing without oxygen or steroids! My asthma hit really bad, back on steroids. The gutters still have water and leaves from rain over a week ago. The roofers stopped work either due to the virus or because they haven't been paid or both. The new management is aware of the issue, but they closed the office, clubhouse, pool and tennis courts two weeks ago. Water and leaves collect in the bowed area beyond the patio.

Uncovered gutters apparently installed without levels. There is conflict with condo owners, managers, votes, accusations and all sorts of nastiness.